Apply to
The LOC Scholars application opens on January 1, 2025.
Welcome to the LOC Scholars
application information page.
Eligibility Requirements
High school junior at partner organization
Juniors planning to enroll full-time
at a 4-year college or university
after high school.
Unweighted GPA of 3.25
or higher on a 4.0 scale
(or equivalent).
family income
Family income in the middle range for Los Angeles, as defined by the
US Census Bureau.
Application Instructions
The LOC Scholars program provides undergraduate scholarships for students who fall into the “missing middle,” often overlooked by traditional grant opportunities. Applicants who are recommended by a partner school may follow these steps to apply:
Register for your applicant ID
Due January 15
Starting December 1, register to provide your contact details and your recommending teacher’s information. After registering, you’ll receive an email with your applicant ID and a link to the application, which opens January 1. Your teacher will also receive an email to complete the recommendation form, so let them know to expect it.
Complete the Application
Due February 3
Click here to view application questions, required documents, and essay prompts to prepare early. Starting January 1, use your applicant ID and link provided in your registration confirmation email to complete the application, which can be saved in progress. Submit it by February 3 and confirm your teacher submits their recommendation. Semi-finalists are notified March 21.
Semi-finalists: Upload a short video
Due April 21
As a semi-finalist, you will create a short (under 3 minutes) video to introduce yourself and answer a prompt provided by email in March.
LOC Scholars Announced
By June 1
All semi-finalists will receive email notification of their selection status. Semi-finalists who are not selected as LOC Scholars may be eligible for a prize in recognition of their past achievements.
Selected Scholars: Submit Spring Grades
By June 9
LOC Scholars must maintain a minimum 3.2 GPA throughout high school. You’ll submit your spring term grades and standardized test scores via the Spring Academic Information form, which will be emailed with your acceptance notification by June 1.